Wednesday, January 14, 2009

OMG.....It's flippin' cold outside!

Ok I've had enough of our beautiful Wisconsin winter weather.......It's like -30 with the wind chill....and it's going to get worse........I don't like being this cold! I would give just about anything to have a hottub and a fireplace right now!!!!

Poor Danny is gonna freeze....thank goodness he's in a barn overnight...I can't imagine how all the horses are doing in this cold weather that are on pasture board.


Anonymous said...

OMGoodness.. Brr. Last week, we had -20° weather in SE Ohio and that was no windchill. We've never have that cold of weather that I can remember.

You probably have that type of weather a lot out there.


Trail Ridin' Mama said...

Not really that often but it's still hard to get used to that's for sure.